Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Innocence slips away,
like seconds on a clock.
Another year of childhood has passed,
it's a shame but nothings built to last.
As we say goodbye,
we smile.
It's only hard for a little while.

Isn't it funny how when we're young we only want to grow up and then we get there and all we want to do is go back? Funny...I suppose. I remember being young, being so alive, so invincible. Then reality sinks in, responsibility hits and all the sudden it's just not what it was supposed to be. I regret how much of my innocence I threw away. I look back now and realize ignorance truly is bliss. Not knowing sometimes is so much easier then knowing. But I suppose it's a gift that I know as much as I do and in time it will pay off. I only hope that I can use what I know to prevent others from taking the path I chose.